Monday, July 30, 2007

I am a mother of twin sons who just graduated from High School. They will soon be leaving for
college and going different directions for the first time in their life, and mine too for that matter.

I have to admit that I have very mixed emotions. I have always felt that as long as my children are happy I will be happy. The time seems to be going by faster than I thought it would and now I am starting to wonder how I will really feel when I have no children left at home.

My daughter graduated high school and went off to college. I have always been very close to her and missed her terribly but I had 2 other children at home with very busy schedules playing basketball, football, track etc.and I guess I was so busy with family and work that I never had time to be lonely.

In the near future things will be very different in my life. I am planning to be very busy with my husband of 29 years and start to enjoy some of the things we have put off for a while. I will definately be starting a new chapter in my life and although certain things make me sad I am looking forward to seeing the wonderful men my guys will become and how proud I will be of them....just like I am so proud of the wonderful women my daughter has become.
It makes me feel like I did an ok job of raising my children. I love them all so much!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

aww your so nice mom! love you!